Monday, August 23, 2010

- "Tweety" - I HaTe -

To think something such as Miss "Tweety"-look alike is enough to make me write up a blog post soo early in the morning... :D
Anyway, Tweety is coming to the nearest space around me soon - just very soon.. (shouldn't make it too obvious.. Okay?)
And.. Uhh... I hate heart it... Yeah, like "absolutely"... Anyway, please be gone soon welcome... *Smiles*

Oh.. Here's a picture of Miss "Tweety" for revenge welcoming sake..

Okay, okay.. I noe.. It was a "lil, weeny bit" too much.. But, whatever.. I'm satisfied... Now back to work... Hahahahahahaha.... It's such a evil great way to start work early morning!

P/S :
Sorry to all "Tweety" birds fan.. But I assure you all, the "Tweety" bird I'm referring to - memang cari masalah... *no better words to describe*... :p

1 comment:

Carol T said...

Cehhhh... So tweety bird jugak pilihan hati... ishhh....