Chanced upon this quote at my friend's facebook just now and just thought that it's very true.. Like I'm living this now..
- It's when you shed tears for him but still you care for him.
- It's when he ignored you but you still long for him.
- It's when he starts loving another, and yet you manage a smile and find the courage to say "I'm happy for you"
And this is what I felt like adding:
- It's when even if it hurt you, you can forget the pain knowing that you made him happy
- It's when you hold on to that little piece of hope, hoping that one day, he would see you; but even if he doesn't, you'll be contented just having that little bit of hope and yes - that little bit of hope is enough for you to go on miles and miles and never feel tired.... :)
Anyway, the past few weeks had been hectic and it still is going to be for quite sometime.. But, such life is great... Tired and hectic - but accomplished! :)And yes, I'm slowly moving towards realizing all my aims.. And I'm going to realize them all one by one.. Taking baby steps and going forward towards them...It IS going to be very exciting...*Jiayou Carol!!!!* :)
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