Tuesday, March 17, 2009

*Learning to Take it Easy*

I am learning...

Announcing to the world: I am learning.. to take it easy.. to stand up again from my failures.. to learn to come face-to-face with my problems.. All in all, to become a better person...

In the past, I took things too seriously.. Its not that its a bad habit, but sometimes, one should just learn to take it easy.. When u smile, the whole world smiles with u.. U feel good when u smile, instantly a bad day turns into a better day, so y not? SMILE!! =)

16/03/09... Its a meaningful day for me... It marks a new chapter of my life, a new start, a life here afresh for me... I learn to let go... To forgive and forget.. I am learning to stand on my own..

Ahh.. someone asked me to update my blog today.. Here's making up to my

I dunno wat I'm blogging about actly... Haha, no offence ya? Just dat I would like to tell the whole world that I am currently happy~ Ahh, more of a "Happy-Go-Lucky" type, but then, I guess its good for me...

Ahh, during this time period, maybe I can learn to find myself back.. Just
treat it as a therapy, for my stressed-out soul..

Hmm.. Kip smiling!! Aja aja... *winks

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