To think something such as Miss "Tweety"-look alike is enough to make me write up a blog post soo early in the morning... :D
Anyway, Tweety is coming to the nearest space around me soon - just very soon.. (shouldn't make it too obvious.. Okay?)
And.. Uhh... Ihateheart it... Yeah, like "absolutely"... Anyway,please be gone soonwelcome... *Smiles*
Oh.. Here's a picture of Miss "Tweety" forrevengewelcoming sake..
Okay, okay.. I noe.. It was a "lil, weeny bit" too much.. But, whatever.. I'm satisfied... Now back to work... Hahahahahahaha.... It's such aevilgreat way to start work early morning!
Sorry to all "Tweety" birds fan.. But I assure you all, the "Tweety" bird I'm referring to - memang cari masalah... *no better words to describe*... :p
It teaches me to be stronger...
I will learn the meaning of "giving is better than receiving" and to forgive and forget...
It will teach me to open up my mind more in time to come...
It teaches me the true meaning of "everything happens for a reason" and I will see why in time to come...
WTH!! If you want him, take lar!!!! I dun wan pun!! Just dun show me that "black face" when I smiled to you!!!! Cehhh... Silly woman!!!! And, please lar!!! I'm not that desperate, okay??!! Get it!!! AND.. he's not all that great at all!!!